Hanging in the balance är ännu ett sånt där glatt blått lack. Även om jag upplever det något mörkare i verkligheten än på bilderna. Mer åt det kornblåa hållet tycker jag. Ett suveränt bra krämlack som täcker på två lager och är glansigt och fint utan topplack, men på bilderna har jag ett lager av China Glaze Fast Forward. Kan absolut inte klaga på torktiden heller.
Jag ser fram emot att testa resten av lacken. Glada färger som tilltar mig, dock är jag inte så värst impad av glitterlacken i kollektionen.
This is the first polish that I try out of them that I purchased from Cirque De Soleil collection by China Glaze that was released just before Christmas. And I have to say that if the formula is as good on the rest of the polishes as on this, I will be happy!
Hanging in the balance is again one of those glossy blue paints that makes me happy!. Although I find it slightly darker in reality than in the pictures. More royalblue I think. A great good creme polish that covers in two layers and is shiny and nice without topcoat, but in the pictures I have a layer of China Glaze Fast Forward over it. Certainly can't complain about the drying time either.
I look forward to test the rest of the polishes from the collcetion. Cheerful colors that I'm drawn to, however, I am not very impressed of the glitter paints in the collection.