Lacket är fullkomligt fullpackat av glitter i rött och grönt. Det som gör att jag tycker så himla mycket om det här är att det är så små glitterpartiklar. Det ser inte så klumpigt och konstigt ut som jag ibland kan tycka att vissa glitterlack gör. Nä, det här är bara suveränt.
Man kan säkert ha lacket helt för sig själv, men jag blev lite snål och la det över ett annat istället för att spara in lite. Jag har provat över två olika lack nämligen Isadoras Ancient Ruby och Zoya Elisa. Bägge resultaten blev mycket bra.
Två lager av A Christmas story har jag lagt över de andra lacken och över detta ett lager av Poshé. Topplack är nödvändigt för annars ser det nästan lite matt ut. Jag verkligen älskar det här lacket och det är såå mycket finare i verkligheten än på bilderna.
Vilken kombination gillar ni bäst?
Över Isadora Ancient Ruby
Över Zoya Elisa
Today I will show you the first polish that I purchased through an Etsy store. Indie label Darling Diva Polish A Christmas story was just too good to resist! And besides, it's now the first Advent weekend, my absolute favorite holiday of the year. Well, actually better than Christmas in a way. For this weekend's just cozy! And with this, I would say that I feel it is ok to show a polish with such christmas inspired name :)
The polish is absolutely packed full of glitter in red and green. What makes me like this so much is that it is so tiny glitter particles. It does not look so awkward and weird as I sometimes think that some glitter polishes does. Nah, this is just great.
One can certainly have the polish completely alone, but I was a bit stingy and put it over another instead to make sure that this will last longer. I've tried on two different polishes namely Isadora Ancient Ruby and Zoya Elisa. Both results were very good.
Two layers of A Christmas Story, I have over the other paintwork and over this a layer of Poshé. Topcoat is necessary because otherwise it looks almost a bit dull. I really love this polish and it's sooo much nicer in reality than on the pictures.
Which combination do you like best?
The polish is absolutely packed full of glitter in red and green. What makes me like this so much is that it is so tiny glitter particles. It does not look so awkward and weird as I sometimes think that some glitter polishes does. Nah, this is just great.
One can certainly have the polish completely alone, but I was a bit stingy and put it over another instead to make sure that this will last longer. I've tried on two different polishes namely Isadora Ancient Ruby and Zoya Elisa. Both results were very good.
Two layers of A Christmas Story, I have over the other paintwork and over this a layer of Poshé. Topcoat is necessary because otherwise it looks almost a bit dull. I really love this polish and it's sooo much nicer in reality than on the pictures.
Which combination do you like best?