Som bas har jag två lager av Barielle Enduring. Som får ett eget inlägg vid ett senare tillfälle, men jag kan ju säga att det var en riktigt trevlig bekantskap. Jag satte fram röd, grön och lila konadspecialfärg, yngste grabben valde grönt så det fick det bli till mönstret. Mellan Enduring och mönstret är det ett lager Poshé och så även över mönstret.
På tal om barnen kan jag härmed meddela att det sena inlägget delvis beror på extremt bestämda tonåringars problem med att hitta ett par skor som duger! Det vill säga att jag och äldste pojken har varit i stan och försökt köpa skor till honom. Undrar hur många gånger vi gjort den här manövern utan att ha några skor med oss hem?
Snyggt nä kanske inte, men lite häftigt i alla fall tycker jag! Han som valde färgen säger att det är skitfult, min kompis tyckte det var skitsnyggt och mannen sa lite coolt är det i alla fall! Vem ska man lita på egentligen?
Fult, snyggt, kul eller coolt det är frågan? Vad tycker ni?
I wanted to do some crazy patterns today, so I choosed stamping with Konad plate M65, and a lot of circles.
As the base is two layers of Enduring Barielle. As will have its own post later, but I can say it was a very pleasant acquaintance. I put the red, green and purple konad specialcolor in a line and the youngest son chose green for the pattern. Between Enduring and the pattern is a layer Poshé and so also on top.
Speaking of kids, I hereby announce that the late post is partly due to extremely determined teenagers struggle to find a pair of shoes that will do! That is to say that I and the oldest boy has been in town and tried to buy shoes for him. Wonder how many times we've done this operation without having any shoes home with us?
Beautiful manicur? Maybe not, but a bit cool, anyway I think! The one who chosed the color says it's really ugly, my friend thought it was beautiful and my husband said, it's cool! Who should I trust of them?
As the base is two layers of Enduring Barielle. As will have its own post later, but I can say it was a very pleasant acquaintance. I put the red, green and purple konad specialcolor in a line and the youngest son chose green for the pattern. Between Enduring and the pattern is a layer Poshé and so also on top.
Speaking of kids, I hereby announce that the late post is partly due to extremely determined teenagers struggle to find a pair of shoes that will do! That is to say that I and the oldest boy has been in town and tried to buy shoes for him. Wonder how many times we've done this operation without having any shoes home with us?
Beautiful manicur? Maybe not, but a bit cool, anyway I think! The one who chosed the color says it's really ugly, my friend thought it was beautiful and my husband said, it's cool! Who should I trust of them?
What do you think? Ugly, nice, cool or what?