Traditioner är viktiga för mig så därför gör jag som vanligt och börjar med mina favoriter i olika färgkategorier. Och precis som vanligt så är det alltså inte bara lack som släppts 2019 som jag väljer bland utan alla som jag visat på bloggen oavsett releasedatum.
Då kör vi, kommentera gärna om något av lacken också är med på din favoritlista eller om du känner att något saknas i din samling.
For 8 years now I have made a summary of my favorite polishes used and shown here on the blog, which at least I think has become a fun tradition. Just like recent years, I have chosen to make two or actually three different lists. One for my favorite colors, one for finishes and one for nail art.
Traditions are important to me so that's why I as usual and start with my favorites in different color categories. And just as usual, it is not only the polishes that was released in 2019 that I choose from, but everyone that I have shown on the blog regardless of the release date.
Let's go then! Feel free to comment if any of the polishes is also on your favorite list or if you feel like one of them is missing in your collection.
OPI Honey Ryder
Depend 587
OPI Chopstix and Stones
Depend O2 602
Depend O2 - 5095 Gray Matter
Essie Sweater Weather
Glam Polish Hufflepuff
Turtle Tootsie Polishes Joy To the World
Depend O2 - 588
China Glaze Who Wonder
Glam Polish Wingardium Leviosa
KBShimmer Better Lake Than Never
Zoya Storm
I actually haven't shown a real white on the blog this year!