Det var två lack som fick lika mycket röster till denna veckan, så jag valde det som bott hos mig längst. Alltså blev det Turtle Tootsie Polishes Cancer. Det här är ett glitter lack med klar bas som är tänkt att lägga över andra lack. Jag valde som vanligt en svart bas. Själva glittret består av rött, silvrigt och prismatiskt glitter och det sprider ut sig bra på nageln. Jag ville ha mycket bling idag så det fick bli två lager + topplack.
Jag är inte alltid så förtjust i glitterlayering, men det här det gillade jag. Det flöt på något sätt ihop så bra med det svarta och inga glitter sticker upp och gör ytan knottrig. Absolut min grej.
Indielack får ni att rösta på till nästa gång.
It became a late post today. One thinks that buying new camera equipment is smooth and fun, but I forget every time that it is always something that needs to be fixed. Of course, not all gadgets work with the version of Photoshop Elements that I have. Got a new version and the computer crashes. It has been a bit dull for a while, but now it seems to me that I have far too much stuff in it, even though I cleared it like a madman. Well, new computer needs to be purchased. Sigh...
It was two polishes that got the same amount of votes this week, so I chose the one that stayed with me the longest. Thus it became Turtle Tootsie Polishes Cancer. This is a glitter polish with a clear base that is meant to used for overlay on other polishes. As usual, I chose a black base. The glitter itself consists of red, silvery and prismatic glitter and it spreads well on the nail. I wanted a lot of bling today so there had to be two layers + topcoat.
I'm not always so fond of this kind of glitter polishes, but this one I liked. It somehow floated so well with the black and no glitter sticks up and makes the surface gnarled. Absolutely my thing.
You get to vote for an indie polish for next time.