Men först lite reflektioner om de här fyra åren. För det har hänt en hel del i nagellacksvärlden tycker jag. När jag började var det inte mycket Indies som visades runt om på bloggarna, nu är det inte mycket mainstream och drugstore märken som visas istället. Visst fanns det en hel del bloggar för fyra år sedan, men sen dess har det exploderat och finns hur många som helst. Och framför allt så har Instragram kommit in som ett starkt komplement till bloggarna. För min egen del vill jag tro att jag blivit bättre både på att måla och fota lack. Men framför allt är jag glad att jag fortfarande tycker det här är kul och att det finns några som faktiskt läser min lilla blogg.
Jag vill tacka Hypnotic Polish, Edgy Polish, Turtle Tootsie Polish och Purrfect Pawlish som varit gulliga och sponsrat mig.
Lackys Birthstone kit har jag köpt för egna pengar och det innehåller lack som är inspirerade av Februari & Julis månadsstenar. Februari för att bloggen fyller år då och Juli för att jag fyller år då.
Deltar gör du genom att fylla i via Rafflecopter som finns under bilderna.
Låt oss ta en titt på priserna :)
Imagine that I have been doing this for four years! In my mind that is a reason for celebrating. And of course it will be wih my traditional giveaway.
But first some reflections about these four years. For a lot has happened in the nail polish world during these years. When I started there was not much Indies shown on blogs, now it's not very much mainstream and drugstores brands being displayed instead. Sure there were a lot of blogs four years ago, but since then it has exploded and there are a huge number of nailblogs on the web. And we also have gotten Instragram that came in as a strong complement to the blogs. For my own part, I believe that I have improved both at painting and photograph polishes. But above all I am happy that I still think this is fun and that there are some who are actually reading my little blog.
I want to thank Hypnotic Polish, Edgy Polish, Turtle Tootsie Polish and Purrfect Pawlish that has been so kind to sponsor me.
Lackys Birthstone kit is bought with my own money and it includes polishes that is inspired by the February and July's birthstones. February because it's the blog's birthday and July because that is my birth month.
It's an international giveaway, but unfortunately I have to exclude Italy, India, Russia, Brazil and the UK because of their laws and postal services There are just a few things that are mandatory such as name, mailadress and leave a comment, but to win the gift certificate from Hypnotic Polish one needs to follow them both on Facebook and Instagram. This will be checked. The winner has 24 hours to reply to the winner's email that is sent out.
Just fill in the Rafflecopter to participate. (under the pictures)
Let's take a look at the prizes!
300SEK Gift Card at Edgy Polish
30 Euro Gift Card at Hypnotic Polish
The Anniversary Duo from Purrfect Pawlish
15 USD discount code at Turtle Tootsie Polishes
The Lacky Corner Birthstone Kit