Snart dags att börja fundera på vad man ska ha på sig, plocka ihop sina saker och bege sig till min mamma för det traditionella julbordet med familjen. Jag längtar efter dopp i grytan, jo jag tillhör dom som tycker det är gott :)
Jag har absolut ingen aning om vad jag ska få i julklapp från någon, men jag hoppas att det kanske ligger någon liten flaska där under granen. Eller nu ljög jag lite för jag vet ju att äldste grabben gjort en ny logga till bloggen. Ska bli spännande att se vad han hittat på.
Jag vill givetvis passa på att önska alla en riktigt GOD JUL! Hoppas alla får en lugn och skön dag utan stress och tråkigheter i trafiken.
Dagens manikyr är en som jag bar redan förra året när jag var på julbord med gubbens jobb. Det är helt och hållet Nailtastics förtjänst att jag köpte det här lacket och att jag bär det som jag gör. Lacket är från förra årets The Muppets kollektion som blev otroligt mycket omskriven. Det är även det första och även det enda OPI lacket som jag faktiskt gått och köpt i en svensk affär! Det här var innan jag bröt min Transdesign oskuld. Jag har lagt ett lager av Gettin' Miss Piggy with it över NOX Twillight Black Tie som för övrigt är ett helt underbart svart cremelack.
Som ni säkert redan vet så är detta ett glitterlack i en klar bas bestående av röda glitter i olika storlekar och även lite silverpartiklar, med betoning på lite. Jag älskar det här lacket och jag älskar den här kombinationen och eftersom min tanke är att vara svart/rött klädd idag så fick detta återigen pryda mina naglar och det är säkerligen inte sista gången heller.
It's finally here .. Christmas Eve that is. Outside the window, the ground is completely white and inside the house it's cozy and warm with the Christmas Tree and other decorations!
Soon time to start thinking about what to wear, pick up the things I need to bring with me and go to my mom for the traditional Christmas dinner with the family.
Soon time to start thinking about what to wear, pick up the things I need to bring with me and go to my mom for the traditional Christmas dinner with the family.
I have absolutely no idea what I will get for Christmas from anyone, but I hope that perhaps there will be som small bottles there under the tree. Or now I lied a little, because I know that the eldest son made a new logo for the blog. Will be interesting to see what he's made up.
I would obviously like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing day without stress and bad things happening in the traffic.
Today's manicure is one that I was wearing already last year when I was at Christmas dinner with the old man's job. It's entirely Nailtastics merit that I bought this polish and I wear it as I do. The polish is from last year's The Muppets collection that became incredibly highly publicized. It's also the first and also the only OPI polish that I actually went and bought in a Swedish store! This was before I broke my Transdesign innocence. I added a layer of Gettin 'Miss Piggy with it over NOX Twillight Black Tie which incidentally is a wonderful black creme.
As you probably already know, this is a glitter polish in a clear base consisting of red glitter in various sizes and also some silver particles, with the emphasis on some. I love this polish and I love this combination and because my thought is to be black / red upholstered today this again got to adorn my nails and it's certainly not the last time either.
I would obviously like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing day without stress and bad things happening in the traffic.
Today's manicure is one that I was wearing already last year when I was at Christmas dinner with the old man's job. It's entirely Nailtastics merit that I bought this polish and I wear it as I do. The polish is from last year's The Muppets collection that became incredibly highly publicized. It's also the first and also the only OPI polish that I actually went and bought in a Swedish store! This was before I broke my Transdesign innocence. I added a layer of Gettin 'Miss Piggy with it over NOX Twillight Black Tie which incidentally is a wonderful black creme.
As you probably already know, this is a glitter polish in a clear base consisting of red glitter in various sizes and also some silver particles, with the emphasis on some. I love this polish and I love this combination and because my thought is to be black / red upholstered today this again got to adorn my nails and it's certainly not the last time either.