När jag kom hem med min flaska Isadora Orient Express så fick jag genast en känsla av att jag redan hade ett sånt här lack. Även när jag lackade på sticka så såg det här ut till att vara kusligt likt A-England Perceval.
Det här måste ju givetvis undersökas. Sagt och gjort när jag hade Perceval på naglarna så plockade jag bort det på varann nagel och på med Orient Express istället.
Och jag måste säga att dom är otroligt lika, men exakta dupes är dom inte.
Är man ovan vid att titta på färger på nagellack så uppfattar man nog inte någon skillnad på dom här misstänker jag. På bilden nedan har jag två lager av varje lack. Jag kanske skulle lagt på ett tredje av Perceval för som jag skrev igår djupnade färgen lite av det tredje lagret.
Jag ser det som att Isadora lacket har lite, lite mer svart ton i sig än A-England och jag tycker också att det är något mer skimmer i Isadora lacket.
Så dupes är det alltså inte. Båda är otrolig vackra. Om man funderar på att skaffa ett härligt skimmrande blodrött lack, men inte vill beställa på nätet eller inte vill lägga så mycket pengar så hade jag utan tvekan sagt köp Isadora Orient Express. Faktum är att även om jag verkligen älskar Perceval så tycker jag att Isadora är lacket som vinner den här duellen. Dels för tillgänglighetens skull, dels för att du bara behöver 2 lager av det lacket och sist men inte minst: Jag gillar borsten!
Ser ni skillnaden?
A-England Perceval & Isadora Orient Express
When I got home with my bottle of Isadora Orient Express, I got immediately a feeling that I already had a polish like this before. Even when I painted on nailart displays stick this looked extremly similar to A-England Perceval.
This must surely be investigated. Said and done when I had Perceval on my nails I took that of from two nails and added the Orient Express instead.
This must surely be investigated. Said and done when I had Perceval on my nails I took that of from two nails and added the Orient Express instead.
And I must say that they are incredibly similar, but exact dupes, no.
If you are not used to looking at colors of nail polish you probably don't see the difference between them, I suspect. In the image above, I have two coats of each polish. Maybe I should have put on a third of Perceval because as I wrote yesterday the polish got more depth in it when I applied the third layer.
I see it as the Isadora polish has a little bit more black tone in it than A-England and I also think it's a bit more shimmer in the Isadora polish.
So they are not dupes. Both are incredible beautiful. If you are thinking about getting a beautiful shimmering blood red paint, but do not want to order online, or do not want to spend so much money I had without a doubt said buy Isadora Orient Express. In fact, even though I really love Perceval, I think Isadora is the polish that wins this duel. Partly because (at least in Sweden) it easy to get access to this brand, and for that you only need two layers of polish, and last but not least: I like the brush!
If you are not used to looking at colors of nail polish you probably don't see the difference between them, I suspect. In the image above, I have two coats of each polish. Maybe I should have put on a third of Perceval because as I wrote yesterday the polish got more depth in it when I applied the third layer.
I see it as the Isadora polish has a little bit more black tone in it than A-England and I also think it's a bit more shimmer in the Isadora polish.
So they are not dupes. Both are incredible beautiful. If you are thinking about getting a beautiful shimmering blood red paint, but do not want to order online, or do not want to spend so much money I had without a doubt said buy Isadora Orient Express. In fact, even though I really love Perceval, I think Isadora is the polish that wins this duel. Partly because (at least in Sweden) it easy to get access to this brand, and for that you only need two layers of polish, and last but not least: I like the brush!
Do you see the difference?