Jag började lacka med WaW utan något underklädeslack, men gav upp. Tog bort och började om med ett lager av Kicks Golden Gown och då gick det absolut bättre. Lacket är nämligen väldigt skirt. Jag har ändå fått lägga på tre lager vilket det absolut kan vara värt om man nu tycker om guldiga lack. Det här har väldigt fina skiftningar mellan guld och brons, men tyvärr syns dom inte så mycket på bilderna. Själv är jag ju inte helt förtjust i ljust guldiga saker på naglarna så jag lyckas inte bli så där varm och glad av det här som jag vill bli.
Torktiden var i alla fall helt ok och appliceringen var det absolut inget problem med. Jag hade lite tur med att solen tittade fram när jag skulle fota. Det jag däremot inte har tur med är att någon har haft sin hund lös och inte plockat upp efter sig mitt inne i vår trädgård!
Jag har alltså ett lager Kicks Golden Gown, tre lager Color Club Wild and Willing och till slut ett lager Seche på topp på bilderna.
W stands for Wild and Willing by Color Club yet another polish that I ensconced myself through our swapgroup.
I started to paint with WaW straight on the basecoat but gave up. Took away and started over with a layer of Kicks Golden Gown underneath and it went far better. The polish is very delicate. I've still got to put on three layers, which it absolutely is worth if one likes golden lacquer. This is very nice, shifts between gold and bronze, but unfortunately they are not seen as much in the pictures. I myself am not quite fond of bright golden things on my nails so I didn't become that warm and happy over this that I wanted to be.
The drying time was in any case quite ok and the application was absolutely no problems with. I had some luck with the sun peeped out when I would shoot the pictures. What I didn't get lucky with is that someone has had their dog loose and not picked up after themselves in the middle of our garden!
So I have on layer of Kicks Golden Gown, three layers of Color Club Wild and Willing, and finally a layer of Seche on top on the images.
I started to paint with WaW straight on the basecoat but gave up. Took away and started over with a layer of Kicks Golden Gown underneath and it went far better. The polish is very delicate. I've still got to put on three layers, which it absolutely is worth if one likes golden lacquer. This is very nice, shifts between gold and bronze, but unfortunately they are not seen as much in the pictures. I myself am not quite fond of bright golden things on my nails so I didn't become that warm and happy over this that I wanted to be.
The drying time was in any case quite ok and the application was absolutely no problems with. I had some luck with the sun peeped out when I would shoot the pictures. What I didn't get lucky with is that someone has had their dog loose and not picked up after themselves in the middle of our garden!
So I have on layer of Kicks Golden Gown, three layers of Color Club Wild and Willing, and finally a layer of Seche on top on the images.