
måndag 18 september 2017

Autumn Nails #2

Skulle fixat inlägg mycket tidigare idag, men har varit och fått akupunktur och blev så fruktansvärt trött efter det att soffan kändes mer intressant än datorn. Nu har jag vaknat till och väntar på att maken min ska komma hem.

En av mina absoluta favoritplattor när det gäller stamping är ÜberChics Lovely Leaves så som ni kanske förstår har jag återigen plockat fram denna och stämplat lite över OPI Icelanded a Bottle of OPI. Jag testade med lite olika färger, men till sist kom jag fram till att det nog blev bäst med svart mönster i alla fall. Hit The Bottle Black As Night användes till att stämpla. Ett lack som blivit min favorit när det kommer till svarta stämpellack.

Det blev en helt ok manikyr, inte en superfavorit, men fin.

I should have written this post much earlier today, but I have been away getting acupuncture and became so terribly tired afterwards that the sofa felt more interesting than the computer. Well I'm a bit more awake now and are waiting for my husband to come home.

One of my absolute favorite stampingplates is ÜberChics Lovely Leaves, so I guess you already figured out that I have once again chosed a pattern from that and put it over OPI Icelanded a Bottle of OPI. I tested with a few different colors, but in the end I realized that it would probably be best with black patterns. Hit The Bottle Black As Night is what I used. It has become my favorite when it comes to black stampingpolish.

It became an absolutely ok manicure, not a favorite, but nice.

7 kommentarer :

  1. Beautiful and sophisticated autumn look. The neutral shades are unusual but welcome for a fall mani

    1. I think they work very well for an autumn mani. Kind of soft as a foggy morning :)

  2. Love this! It's such a classy mani 😍

  3. Elegant mani, base is stunning too.

  4. I like the leaves on your nails, i can imagine picking up those orange coloured leaves in the park - okay i'm probably reading to many books or watch to many movies...


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