lördag 7 december 2013
12 Days Of Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Christmas were you live
Dagens tema i 12 Days Of Christmas Nail Art Challenge är Christmas were you live. Jag började fundera på vad i hela friden man skulle kunna hitta på till det här temat. Snö, nja, fast det är ju fler och fler jular här som inte är vita. Lucia, jo, fast det är ju inte riktigt jul liksom. Då kom återigen yngste grabben till undsättning.
Vilka mer länder tittar på Kalle Anka klockan tre varje julafton? Inga vad jag vet i alla fall!
Jag hittade lite vattendekaler på Ebay som klickades hem. Av någon konstig anledning hade jag tänkt att ha röd bakgrund, det jag inte tänkte på var att stackars Kalle då skulle bli väldigt röd i nyllet, så det fick bli vitt istället.
Lista på deltagare finns hos Nailed It NZ
Vad är det mest svenska ni kan tänka er när ni tänker på julen?
Todays theme is: Christmas were you live. Well, I live in the south of Sweden and the first thing that crossed my mind was snow, but to be honest it's not that many year's that the Christmas is white, so that wasn't a good idea. We do celebrate Lucia more than in most country's but that isn't Christmas.
Then once again my youngest son came up with the idea that I went for. For in what other countries is there a strange tradition to watch Donald Duck and friends wishing us all a Merry Christmas on Christams Eve at three a clock. We have Christmas Eve as the main day for celebrating Christmas here in Sweden.
Yes, you read it right Donald Duck, Disney, on Christmas. Mickey Mouse is the host and presents different Christmas Cards from his friends among the Disney characters. Strange? Oh, yes! But you should have heard the roar from the Swedish people a couple of years ago when the subject came up that Swedish Televison was about to loose the licence to show this. Trust me it was like the third world war!
I found some waterdecals on ebay that I thought was perfect. They were a bit hard to work with, but this is how it turned out.
Visit Nailed It NZ to see the other participents.
What country are you from and what do you consider being the most typical for Christmas there?
Kalle Anka :) - jo vi ser Disney Show her i Danmark også :)
SvaraRaderaJulskinka er det mest svenska jag vet på julen, och det er så himmla gott!
Gör ni! Det hade jag faktiskt ingen aning om!
RaderaKlockren tycker jag!
SvaraRaderaMen visst var den!
RaderaVery cute. It's always nice to learn about other people's christmas traditions, and this one is awesome! :)
SvaraRaderaI love hearing about other countrys traditions too!
RaderaAtt man inte får äta av det undre lagret i Aladdin eller Paradisasken för ens alla äckliga bitar på det övre är slut?;)
SvaraRaderaVisst är det en riktigt dålig tradition!
RaderaThat tradition is awesome! I wish I had something like that! :) I love that all of Sweden is united in this fact. :)
We are a very united people when it comes to Donald Duck at Christmas :)