
måndag 30 september 2013

Liebster Award

This post will be mostly in English.

I have recived a Liebster Award from Francine who has the blog The Beauty Case and of course I will answer her questions.

Thanks so much for nominating me!

This is how it works:

The Liebster Award is made for help new blogs to be noticed, and to be eligible you must be nominated by someone. No, your evil side is not allowed. You can’t nominate your own blog. Sorry, pals.
Are you been nominated? The rules are (or the to-do-list is) :
  •          Link back to the blogger who nominated you . (done)
  •         Answer the eleven questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you. (done)
  •          Nominate eleven (11) others bloggers whit less than 200 followers. (done)
  •          Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination. (done)
  •          Give your nominees 11 questions to answer. (done)

  1.  Why do you have a nail blog ? Well, I started to follow a lot of nailblogs about two years ago or maybe earlier and soon figured out that I wanted one too. I love blogging about all the amazing polishes that is out there. 
  2. What your family thinks about your hobby ? If they're aware of it, of course… Oh, they are aware of it! My closest family thinks it's ok as long as it makes me happy. The rest of them thinks it a bit strange and can't understand why you "need" to have so many polishes and if it really is possible that all of them are different. 
  3. Which kind of finish do you love the most ? Hm, I think I need to say shimmer, but holo is also great and metallic as well.
  4.  What’s your favorite nail polish ? This is an hopeless question! It depends on what mode I'm in, but I do have to say that Zoya Charla is the one polish I keep return to.
  5.  You are cast away on an island, and only 3 things survive to the shipwreck. What they are ? My nailfile, my glasses ( I'm almost blind without them) and a handcream :)
  6. Who’s the strongest: The Thing (it's clobberin' time)or The Hulk (Hulk smash tiny humans)? Haha, great question! I say the Hulk.
  7. When you blog ? There’s a specific moment in your day, or not ? I don't really have a rutine for this. I do it whenever there are time of from cleaning, cooking or other boring housework.
  8. Do you love tea ? Yes I do! But my stomach doesn't so now I only drink Rooibois that works with my tummy.
  9. How many languages do you currently (and properly) speak ? I wish I could say more than Swedish and English but I can't. It's a secret dream of mine to be able to speak a lot of languages.
  10. Do you like join challenges ? I haven't really been in any so for other than theme days and weeks. I would love to join in but I'm afraid that I wouldn't have enough time for it. 
  11.  What do you think about my blog ? (The Beauty Case) I like your manicures and the pictures but since it's only in Italian I'm a bit lazy on translating and reading it :)

So that was the answer to the questions that Francine gave to me.  And now on the the questions I have for you:

  1. How long have you been a polish addict? Hur länge har du varit lackberoende?
  2. What do your family and friends think about that or do they actually know about it? Vad tycker din familj och dina vänner om ditt intresse? Eller vet dom ens om det?
  3. It's autumn and the evenings are getting darker. I love scented candles. Do you and what is your favorite scent? Det är höst och kvällarna blir mörkare. Jag älskar ju doftljus. Gör du också det och i så fall har du någon favoritdoft?
  4. What do you prefer: Tea or Coffe? Är du kaffe eller tedrickare?
  5. If you had to choose between using only one nailpolish for the rest of your life or not wearing any at all what would you choose? Om du var tvungen att välja mellan att enbart bära ett enda lack i resten av ditt liv eller inget lack alls. Vad skulle du då välja?
  6. What is your favorite kind of nailart? Vilken typ av nailart är din favorit?
  7. How do you live in the country or in the city? A flat or a house? Hur bor du? I stan eller på landet, lägenhet eller hus?
  8. What is your favorite movie? Favoritfilm?
  9. I'm a nerd and I do play Hayday. Do you play any geeky mobilegames? Jag är ju lite av en nerd och erkänner villigt att jag spelar Hayday. Har du också något smått töntigt spel som du ägnar dig åt?
  10. What blog was your main inspiration when you started blogging? Vilken blog var din största inspirationskälla när du startade din egen blogg?
  11. And last what do you think is the best thing about having a nailblog? Och sist men inte minst. Vad tycker du är roligaste och mest givande med att ha en nagelblogg?

And the nominees for my Liebster reward and blogs that I think you should take a look at are:

Colourize Me
En Mammas Naglar
Lindas Nailorama
Sleepy Elin
May Contain Traces Of Polish
Tasty Tips Blog
The Manifest

I hope that you will send this award forward and of course that my Swedish Blogfriends thinks it's ok to translate it :)

2 kommentarer :

  1. Tack för nomineringen, vad gulligt av dig! :-)

  2. Tack söta, ska absolut ta tag i det nästa vecka :-) Denna veckan räcker tiden inte ens till det jag måste.... Kram!


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