
måndag 16 juli 2012

And the winners are.....

Tack alla som deltagit i min Birthday Giveaway!

Jag har nu dragit vinnarna som jag också mailat till.

Dom fyra lyckliga är:

Gosia = Zoya Charla
Johanna = China Glaze I'm with the lifeguard
Sandra Hagman = China Glaze Beach Cruise-r
Kaki = HM Lady Luck + Aqua Splash

Om inte jag fått svar tillbaka inom 24 timmar drar jag en ny vinnare.

The winners of my Birthday Giveaway has now been drawn. They have all recived an e-mail and if I haven't gotten any respons within 24 hours I will pick a new winner.

2 kommentarer :

Please leave a comment it means a lot to me!